
Take a closer look at the Bachelor of Science in General Business Administration and the courses offered toward the degree.

Our 100% online BBA is all about convenience, speed and helping you get the job you deserve. Visit the Transfer Centerfor help, transfer information, and/or to speak with college representatives. Quantitatively evaluate the impact of business decisions, activities and events. Centers We focus on ensuring students have access to a wide variety of learning dailyhindnews opportunities beyond the classroom to gain deep expertise, broad perspectives and the essential soft skills needed to succeed in business and in life. The result is the most popular undergraduate major in the College, and each one is unique. Do you desire a deep dive into marketing and economics, yet need an extra serving of accounting to satisfy your cravings? There is much to be said for being a generalist in a sea of specialists who have focused on doing only one thing. Below is a suggested course of study to complete the BBA in General Business in four years. Connect With Academics The College considers students...